Thanksgiving is a daily practice for me. Well, not the food part…but the gratitude. I’m grateful to be Alive. I’m grateful to Love and be Loved. I’m grateful that I live in a country where I’m Free to Express myself (especially when I go TMI). And I find that the more I am grateful and count my blessings, the happier I am.
A year ago today, I was recovering from my reconstruction surgery (The Booby Fairy did an awesome job by the way), and the thought of a turkey breast on my plate was enough to make me puke (especially since mine were in a bucket somewhere in a pathology lab). But this year, I look forward to the feast and being able to take care of those who took care of me last year.
Besides being Cancer Free, the girls starting Kindergarten, and CURVE, one of the highlights of 2014 has been my partnership with the brand new Blue Élan Records. I was their first artst, and the label has just recently they signed their second: the legendary Jack Tempchin. “Peaceful Easy Feeling” and “Slow Dancin'” are just two of his chart topping hits. Of course I’m salivating at the thought of writing with such a master of the craft.
It’s because of Blue Elan that I was able to make a video for “Heels Over Head” , the first single off CURVE. Our big push at radio starts in January. You can help our cause by liking, commenting and sharing the video as well as spreading the word in social media. I had such a blast making this video with director D!gby, producers Richard Kidd & Paul Yurick, and an OUTSTANDING crew – make sure to read the credits!
I have so much more in store for you – some Holiday songs coming shortly AND another video that I shot with the incredibly talented director Stacey K. Black (thank you Kevin Bacon for that referral!). AND I’m touring in 2015 🙂 So stay tuned!
Speaking of holidays, I just put all of my back catalog cd’s on SALE at CD Baby (Every Rise & Fall, Wobble with the World, Angels & Demons, Smash and See Red). They are buy 1, get the second for 50% off. From what I’m told, they will be doing 1 cent shipping December 1-3. If you’d like CURVE autographed, you can purchase it by clicking HERE (US orders only). Here’s the best deal of all – you can purchase CURVE and my entire back catalog (autographed) for $35 now through December 5.
Thanks for visiting my corner of cyberspace and for your support. Wishing you the most wonderful of Thanksgivings ~ enjoy your family, friends, food and this amazing planet. Hug more, laugh louder, love deeper and for goodness sake, SING. My 5 year old daughters just told me I should add DANCE to that request. 🙂