It’s been five years since I put out a new record. I can really only tell that it’s been that long when I realize that I go to the salon to color my hair twice as often. I blame the gray on Star Tomorrow, that David Foster/ NBC show…Fall 2006. Some people say that what you eat ages you, having children (I think it’s the opposite- having kids brings back a youthful perspective, a renewed sense of wonderment), smoking (don’t do it), drinking (ok, I need my Mommy Juice sometimes)…NO, it’s reality TV. Which brings me to another point that I want to discuss. I don’t make music to be famous. I don’t make music to become a millionaire (although pre-school is freakin’ expensive as are kids’ shoes, so I wouldn’t mind the extra cash). I don’t make music because I want to be on a reality show (I only know who KK is because I read trashy mags when I go to the aforementioned salon). I make music because I have to. Because if I didn’t, my family couldn’t afford the therapy. Music moves, motivates, transcends, and heals me.
Although I haven’t been singing for you a lot in the past five years, I’ve been singing daily to my twin daughters Perry and Jette for the last 2 years, 8 months and counting. They truly are my biggest fans and admittedly, picked out the first song on my new CD. So if you hate the opening choice, blame it on them.
The years since Wobble with the World (2007) were filled with life changing events: My tour across continents to visit our troops, my marriage to Chip, the loss of his mother, my battle with fertility and the ultimate blessing of my twin daughters, letting go of my career, and at times myself, to raise my children, and a dive into the depths of myself to figure out why I’m here, what I have to offer, and how I can continue to better myself as a mother, wife, daughter, sister, friend, singer, songwriter…human. Writing Every Rise and Fall was at times painful, but in the end, I feel as if a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I started it during a bout of depression but find myself now, happier and more fulfilled than I have ever been. So if ultimately, that’s all that it manifests, the record is already a success. However, if you can find a piece of yourself within my new music, I will be most honored. Thank you for listening.